
Nightjohn Study Guide Questions Answers
nightjohn study guide questions answers

  1. Nightjohn Study Guide Questions Answers Professional Stockmaking Through#
  2. Nightjohn Study Guide Questions Answers How To Read Worth#

NIGHTJOHN STUDY GUIDE QUESTIONS INSTRUCTIONS: DO NOT write on this study guide. 1 Thinking Question of your own. Make sure your questions are big and meaty, not short and skinny Ask questions from the following categories: 1 Fact/Opinion. Your job is to ask 5 questions, provide the answers to your questions, and supply the page and the paragraph where the answers are found.

Nightjohn Study Guide Questions Answers Professional Stockmaking Through

This Study Guide consists of approximately 24 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of Nightjohn. As understood, carrying out does not suggest that you have wonderful points.File Type PDF Nightjohn Questions Answers professional stockmaking through the eyes of a stockmaker, kids essay guide, chapter 8 physical science test, multimedia making it work 8th edition, advancing social studies education through self study methodology the power promise and use of self study in social studies education self study ofNightjohn Topics for Discussion. This is just one of the solutions for you to be successful. Make sure you answer all parts of each question.Yeah, reviewing a book nightjohn study guide questions answer key could accumulate your near connections listings.

Whos Clel Waller? What does Sarny think of him? How can you tell? (p 14And 15) Wheres the simile about him on page 16? What does it mean? 5. Why do people think Sarnys dumb? What do you think? (14, 15, 18) 4. What do we know about Sarny? 3.

( For example: I think Ed is mean, because on page 36 the author says, Ed pushed Steve to the ground. Write your answers in complete sentences. Go back through the first chapter and find a sentence to quote and prove each one. Pick 3 adjectives to describe Sarny from what weve read so far. What do children do? (17)1.

Delie told Sarny to hide the money she found, Somebody see that andTheyll come along and take it from you. What sort of relationship does the missus have with slaves? (p 21) 3. Why did Sarny have to chew on tobacco leaves? (p 20) 2.

Waller doesnt have an overseer. What can you predict about Night John if he cost Waller $1,000 to buy?Discussion questions 1. Whats the simile on page 23? 6. Why do you think Waller would not let them pray? 5.

Onomatopoeia where is it? 5. What marks are on Nightjohns body? What does that mean? (27) 4. Why would Waller have broughtHim in that way? (25-28) 3. Describe how Nightjohn was brought in. What do they have? (30) 2.

Whats an example of cause and effect in this section?Writing Exercise Write this on your own sheet of paper. Whats an external conflict from this section? Internal conflict? 11. Why does he say they dont let slaves read? (39) 10. What does he teach her? (38) 9. What can Nightjohn offer? (36) 8. What had mammy/Delie warned Sarny about when she caught herWriting 100 lbs in the past? (36) 7.

Nightjohn Study Guide Questions Answers How To Read Worth

Summarize a typical day in the life of a field working slave. Is learning how to read worth the risk? Would you take the risk? Why or why not?2. Turn this paper in when you finish.1.

Summarize what happened to Alice. You will turn this paper and the book in before leaving class today.1. Make sure to answer ALL of the parts of the questions most have more than one part. Write in COMPLETE SENTENCES. Write the answers to the questions below AND on the back side.

nightjohn study guide questions answersnightjohn study guide questions answers

P 67 What grammar mistake does this have? HowCan we fix it? P 67-68 has another example of this: John couldnt do nothing anyway. Whats her excuse to Waller when he saw her writing the word? What does Waller do to her? Where does she run?4. What was Sarnys first word? Why did Sarny make the word everywhere?3.

Whats the punishment for reading and writing? What does Waller do to9. Why does John come forward? Should he have?8. Why does he punish mammy? What does he do to her?7. How can we combine them and make them a complete sentence instead of a fragment?6. P 69 These 2Sentences are fragments.

Rewrite an event from Chapter 5 (at least 6 creative and strongSentences) from Delies, Johns, or Wallers point of view.DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. How would the whole novel change if it was from Wallers point of view?WRITING EXERCISE 1. How would this chapter change if it was from Johns point of view?11.

nightjohn study guide questions answers

What makes me say that? 2. What book did John have? 5. Where did John take Sarny? 3. What happened to Nightjohn after he left? 2.

What is it at the end of the book? Give support. Whats the tone and mood at the beginning of the book? Give support. What predictions do you have for the future of Sarny and Nightjohn?1.

nightjohn study guide questions answers